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Monthly Archives: October 2017

Melbourne Cup Sweep – Free for all clients of DPF Mortgage Specialists

October 24, 2017 in Insider Tips, Latest News

Free Melbourne Cup Sweep

The first Tuesday in November is only 2 weeks away and so it’s time to dust off your fascinators, feathery hats, colourful frocks & suits and prepare yourself for the Race that Stops a Nation, and of course the …

DPF Mortgage Specialists Melbourne Cup Sweep

This is our way of having a bit of fun with our clients and as always … YOUR ENTRY IS FREE !!!

To receive a ticket in the draw simply:

  1.  Click on the “CONTACT US” page
  2. Insert your name + email where indicated and type “Melbourne Cup” in the box marked “Your Message”
  3. Enter the verification code where indicated & click “Send Enquiry Now”

The horses will be drawn & announced on Monday 6th November 2017 via email, facebook & on our website

Good luck & a special “Thank You” for your ongoing support & for being a valued client of DPF Mortgage Specialists.

How do banks value my property ?

October 16, 2017 in Insider Tips, Latest News

Many borrowers believe bank’s will value their Homes & Investment Properties lower than the actual current market value.

Many also believe banks instruct Valuers to base their valuation amount on a “Fire Sale” scenario.

This is not actually the case as the Valuers are required by the banks to provide evidence of actual sales which have occurred within the previous 3 – 6 month period  of similar properties within the suburb /proximity of the property(s) being valued.

If there is a difference between the final valuation amount & the comparative sales results, the Bank will contact  the Valuer & request a “Please Explain”.

Please note that the “Sales Results” are based on actual sales that have been finalised rather than the “Asking Price” of properties yet to be sold. This is understandable as the final negotiated sales price is often lower (or higher on occasions) than the original asking price.