Massive Savings & Interest Rate Reductions for DPF Clients . . .
Yet another amazing result this month with DPF helping 5 more clients to reduce the interest charges on their existing Home Loans by a whopping $20,510.00 per year.
And to add to this awesome total of savings we also assisted two very happy clients to receive a refund of $4,003.00 from their bank.
Q: How many of these clients needed to refinance their Home Loans to achieve lower interest rates ?
A: Nil … DPF negotiated with their existing banks on our clients behalf to reduce the interest rates on their existing Home Loans.
Q: How much did these clients pay DPF Mortgage Specialists to receive this extra service ?
A: $Nil … This is all part of the ongoing service & assistance DPF Mortgage Specialists provides for our clients.
Q: How will I know if the interest rate my bank is charging me is higher than it should be ?
A: Check your Home Loan interest rate + current loan balance via your internet banking and simply “CONTACT US”