Do you ever feel unappreciated when your Bank advertises amazing Home Loan deals to attract New Customers but does not offer the same amazing deals to their existing customers.
This is what we commonly refer to as the “Loyalty Tax”.
How can you make your Bank “Show you the Love” and offer you massive discounts off your Home Loan Interest Rates & Loan Fees ?
The simple answer is …
- Tell your Bank you wish to stay but are prepared to take your business elsewhere
- Contact your Bank via the telephone number on your Loan Statement (i.e. NOT your local Bank Manager) to ensure you are connected to the “Client Retention Department” as this department actually has the authority to “Do what it takes to retain your business”
- Tell your Bank of the amazing deals which are available with other Banks
- Pause on the phone for 10 seconds and watch the Bank work their tails off to “Show you the Love”.
Why will my Bank listen to me ?
- All Banks are very well aware that it costs far less to authorise discounts to retain an existing customer, then the costs involved to attract new clients
- There is no benefit to be achieved by the Bank if they attract 5 new customers whilst at the same time also losing 5 existing customers
- Your Bank is prepared to authorise discounts for the few customers who actually take the time to ask, as this is only a small expense compared to the huge profits your bank will continue to earn off the vast majority of customers who are not prepared to ask.
If your Bank does not appear to value your business or you are not “Feeling the Love” please click on contact our Mortgage Specialists on 07 5527 4744 as we don’t work for the Bank … WE WORK FOR YOU .